Kathleen Tyner


Community Service


Media Production

Public Engagement


A Tyner Writing Sampler

PRINT PUBLICATIONS - books | articles & reports | chapters | editorial


Tyner, K (Ed.). (2003). A Closer Look 2003:  Special Edition on Youth Media. (December).  San Francisco, CA:  National Alliance of Media Arts and Culture.

Duncan, B. & Tyner, K. (Eds.).  (2003). Visions/Revisions:  Moving Forward with Media Education.  (2003). Madison, WI:  The National Telemedia Council.

Tyner, K. (1998). Literacy in a Digital World: Teaching and Learning in the Age of Information. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.

Lloyd-Kolkin, D. & Tyner, K. (1991). Media & You: An Elementary Media Literacy Curriculum. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Educational Technology Publications. Revised by Tyner,K. in Spanish: (Madrid: Ediciones de La Torre, 1995).

Mueller, F., Chow, S., Filby, N. & Tyner, K. (1995). Portraits of Exemplary Literacy Practices: The Arizona Initiative for Children. San Francisco: Far West Laboratory.

Articles & Reports

Tyner, K. (2003).  Conceptos Claves de la Alfabetización Audiovisual.  In R. Aparici (Ed.).  Comunicación Educativa en la Sociedad de la Información (December).  Madrid, Spain:  UNED.

Tyner, K. (2003). Beyond Boxes and Wires:  Literacy in Transition.  In J. Fisherkeller and R.M. Coleman (Eds). Television and New Media, Vol. 4:4 (November), 371-388.  Thousand Oaks, CA:  Sage Publications.

Tyner, K. & Mokund, R. (2003).  Mapping the Field of Youth Media:  A Study of Youth Media Organizations in the United States.  In K. Tyner (Ed.).  A Closer Look 2003.  San Francisco, CA:  National Alliance of Media Arts and Culture.

Tyner, K. (2001). Looking to the Future: Arts & Technology Advancing Education. Austin, TX: Texas Commission on the Arts.

Tyner, K. (2001). Sense of Place: An Open Media Model for Community Transformation. A Closer Look. San Francisco: National Alliance of Media Arts and Culture.

Tyner, K., Bellarado, D, & Hunter, B . (2000). Report on the Research Charette on Hypermedia and Learning (February). Miami: National Science Foundation and the Miami Museum of Science.

Tyner, K. New Directions for Media Education in the United States (April 1999). Vienna: UNESCO. In Spanish (2001). Tabanque Revista Pedagogica. Valladolid, Espana: Universidad de Valladolid.

Tyner, K. "Media Literacy Tips for Parents." Family Learning Guide (Fall 1994). San Francisco: KQED Center for Education and Lifelong Learning.

Tyner, K. "Video and Educational Reform." Arts Education Policy Review (September/October 1994).

Leveranz, D. & Tyner, K. "Inquiring Minds Want to Know: What is Media Literacy?" (August/September 1993). The Independent , a magazine of the Association of Independent Film and Video.

Tyner, K. "Can Your Students Read TV?" Cable in the Classroom. (December/January 1992).

Tyner, K. "Pushing the Envelope with RocketKitKongoKit." Cinematograph: the Journal of Film Arts in Cinema (1991).

Lloyd-Kolkin, D. & Tyner, K. "Media Literacy Education Needs for Elementary Schools: A Survey." Perceptions of Visual Literacy (1990). Conway, Arkansas: International Visual Literacy Association and the University of Central Arkansas.

Tyner, K. "Commercials in the Classroom." Propaganda Review. (Summer 1989).

Tyner, K. "The Films of Roger Jacoby." Cinematograph: the Journal of Film Arts in Cinema (1988).

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Tyner, K. (2001). Forward. In j. ross, Groovy Little Youth Media Sourcebook. PBS: Listen Up!/The Merrow Report.

Tyner, K. (1999). "Introduction and Forward " in Pailloitet, A.W. & Mosenthal, P.B. (Ed.). Advances in Reading/Language Research, Vol. 8: Reconceptualizing Literacy in the New Age of Media, Multimedia, and Hypermedia. Stamford, CT: JAI Press Inc.

Tyner, K. (1999). "Teaching Media Literacy in the United States" in Aparici, R. Revoluciones de Medios (1994). Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. In Spanish.

Tyner, K. "Media Education in the United States: Treading Water" in Aparici, R. (Ed). Projecto Didactico Queria (1993). Madrid: Ediciones de la Torre. An abridged version was reprinted in the ICTE Conference proceedings (MIT: 1992).

Tyner, K. "The Media Education Elephant" in Bazalgette, C. Proceedings of the 1992 UNESCO Conference on Media Education (1992). London and Paris: British Film Institute and CLEMI. In English and French.

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Member, Editorial Board. The International Journal of Media Education. Trentham Books Limited, Staffordshire, England (1999-2000)

Editor, Strategies the quarterly newsletter for Strategies for Media Literacy (1987-1994).

Contributing Editor, Telemedium: The Journal of Media Education of the National Telemedia Council, Madison, WI. In 1994, Strategies newsletter merged with the NTC publication.



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